699.00 0.00

35% discount on Pan India Gold RSA.

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Driven by professional Dynamism, decades of Automotive Experience, led by Technology to bring closer all kind of cost effective solution for general motorist. We assure and always ensure to keep U, U and only U first in all our endeavor. So whether you are driving in Ladhak, or Kanyakumari, Bhuj or some place in Assam we have a solution for all your motoring requirements be it a Car / Bike. Whether you need on Road break down assistance services / Tow trucks or you need a local reputed garage to undertake any kind of repair, or you are looking for a Denter / painter or you want to get a quote for your repair, we have it all for you. While we ensure to take care of all our individual clients, we provide professional cost effective, transparent solutions for Insurance Companies, Cab Aggregators, Large Fleet operators and corporate fleets. With India’s Largest network of Garages, tow trucks and thousands of qualified Mechanics we ensure to bring you the most transparent, Cost effective Solutions for all your vehicle requirements.

Offer Details

35% discount on Pan India Gold RSA (2Wheeler and 4Wheeler)

Terms & Conditions

This offer has to be redeemed in full, as partial redemption is not allowed.

  • Offer to be used for one-time purchase only and any balance amount is non-refundable. No Credit note / Refund for the unused amount of this offer will be given
  • Under this offer Roadside assistance service is valid for within municipal limits of cities as mentioned on Crossroads Website.
  • Two or more offers/discount offers cannot be clubbed together. Offer cannot be combined with any free services/gift offer/other discount offer.
  • Service will be applicable 2 working days after activation.
  • For any query or details write us at rsa@bubunu.in
  • By purchasing membership, Customer agrees to “RSA Terms and Conditions” mentioned on HDFC offer Website.
  • This offer is applicable once per vehicle number.
  • The duration of the selected plan is for 1 year.
  • Service provider holds the right to cancel or change any offer at its discretion.
  • Any dispute should be referred to the company and the decision of the company shall be final.
  • All disputes subject to jurisdiction of Delhi only.
  1. RSA services are for the vehicle and not for the person.
  2. Pan India / National coverage* means the services are available across all cities and

highways as mentioned by the Service Provider. The Service Provider, however, has the

rights to discontinue services in any given city and or highway without prior intimation to

the customer. The registered customers shall have no claim therefore.

  1. RSA service is available for vehicle up to 10 years of age from the date of manufacturing.
  2. Towing to 4-wheeler shall be provided by Cranes/Flatbeds, for 2-wheeler by Flatbeds and

chargeable as per actuals. Towing would be provided for vehicles that are easily towable.

  1. In case of towing for all type of vehicles, Interstate charges and toll charges as well as all

other government taxes shall be borne by the customer. In case the nearest dealer is in

other state, customer has to bear all the transit charges(tolls, permits and other

applicable government taxes).

  1. It is mandatory for the customer to produce the RSA membership details to avail the


  1. If the vehicle is repairable on road, towing/dropping will not be provided.
  2. Fuel upto 5 litres at actual cost will be provided under the case of emergency. Fuel rate is

subject to the rate of fuel in the respective city and availability and as per government

norms. CNG and other gases/octane fuel is not provided under the service agreement.

  1. Tube repair/tube less tyre repair services shall be provided at actual cost, depending on

total number of punctures in the tube/tube less tyre, the per puncture repair cost is

variable and depends upon area to area. Service Charge will also be payable.

  1. Vehicle to Vehicle Towing if provided is applicable to 4 Wheeler only and not for 2

wheeler. Vehicle-to-vehicle towing (for 4 Wheelers) is dangerous, and may cause further

damage to the vehicles. hence, we discourage vehicle-to-vehicle towing unless deemed

required. Towing shall be provided by Cranes and the charges for the same shall be borne

by the client as per RSA Membership policy. Only Manual Gear and Hatchback Cars will

be given vehicle to Vehicle towing.

  1. In case of non-availability of spare tyre, the Service Provider will try to repair the faulty

tyre. This service is based on the availability of tyre repair shop near the breakdown

location. All the cost related to rendering such service will be charged to customers.

  1. Key lockout or Lost key request is applicable to 4 Wheeler only and not for 2 wheeler.

Terms for Key lockout or Lost key request for Four wheeler:

For a key unlock requests, the customer needs to bear the service and spare key cost.

Service Provider may arrange for pick-up and delivery of the spare keys from customer’s

place to the place where Vehicle is located, provided the same is within 10 kilometers.

Pick-up and delivery cost to borne by the customer. The customer will be required to

submit an identity proof to prove his ownership of the Vehicle, before such service can

be availed. It is mandatory for the customer to share their government ID proof to the

service engineer to proceed with the work. If the Vehicle’s Registration Certificate is not

matching with the driver’s details, then the service will not be provided, except for a

consent letter provided by the owner of the vehicle – that the driver is eligible to drive

the vehicle in question.


  1. The following scenarios are special exclusions under the following conditions:
  • Vehicle is involved in motor racing, rallies, speed or duration test, practice runs or
  • operated outside official roads.
  • Any kind of force majeure
  • Breakdown is caused by deliberate damage, vandalism or participation in a criminal act of
  • offence
  • The immobilization is resulting from damage caused by intervention of police or other
  • authorities
  • Vehicles kept in a non-roadworthy condition or not serviced in accordance with the

Manufacturer’s recommendations.

  1. The Roads hereinafter means Main Roads of city selected by the customer and does not

include interior roads of colony or Service lane. Hence, Customer will not be entitled to

get the services as per the stipulated time.

  1. Service Provider will try and ensure to provide service within the stipulated time;

however the Service Provider is not responsible for any delay caused by conditions

beyond the control of Service Provider like traffic jams, riots, roadblock, routed

diversions, rain, any natural calamities, rallies, etc.

  1. In case of misuse of services, non-payment of services charges, misbehavior, RSA services

shall/can be cancelled/stopped without any prior notice. The Service Provider reserves

the right to do so without prior intimation.

  1. Service Provider will be responsible for attending to vehicle on road with specified terms

& conditions and with no other liabilities.

  1. Service Provider is authorized to add or change any or all the terms and conditions at its

own discretion at anytime without prior intimation to Customers.

  1. Service Provider shall not be liable for any claims/refunds whatsoever. Rarest claims in

extreme cases if any shall not exceed the residual value on per day prorate basis of

registration period of the services fees paid by the customer. The damages and claim if

any shall not be more than the amount paid by the client.

  1. For similar faults, services will not be provided more than twice consecutively. RSA

service usage i.e., number of available service and tenure i.e., validity is subject to the

RSA service Membership subscribed by the customer. The same varies and are different

subject to type of annual Memberships.

  1. The customer or his representative will have no claim against the Service Provider or its

representative either civil, financial or criminal in nature pursuant to this RSA service in

respect of death or injury of the customer or any other person or loss or damage to any

other property caused by or due to equipment failure, negligence, breakdown, accident

or fire on utilization of services during the validity of RSA services or at such time while

the vehicle is under the process of repairs carried out by the Service Provider’s


  1. Service Provider reserves the right to file a claim/suit against the party / person /

company whose cheque gets dishonored for whatsoever reason. RSA Membership will be

activated only after additional payment towards cheque bouncing charge.

  1. RSA service is not valid for any commercial vehicle unless approved by the service

provider under a separate term sheet.


  1. If RSA service is availed without RSA Membership activation or non-availability of RSA

Membership or expired RSA Membership, a service charge of Rs. 599+ GST (Rupees Five

Hundred and Ninety Nine Only) will be charged.(Non Refundable).

  1. Service Provider reserves the rights to terminate all such subscription without any

notification for failure to compliance to its terms of Vehicle age and fair use policy.

  1. One RSA membership is valid for one vehicle only.
  2. All disputes subject to jurisdiction of Delhi only.
  3. Roadside Assistance services cannot be provided under conditions of earthquake, war,

invasion, rebellion, revolt, riot, civil commotion, civil war, exceptional adverse weather

conditions, acts of terrorism, nuclear fission , strike, and act of government/government

agencies/judicial/quasiP judicial authorities.

  1. Roadside Assistance services cannot be provided if vehicle is being used for racing,

rallying, motor-sports, or is not being used/driven in accordance with applicable laws and


  1. Service Provider is authorized to add or change any or all the terms and conditions at its

Own discretion at any time without prior intimation.

*Non Serviceable Areas: -Jammu and Kashmir, 7 Eastern states- For these states Limited

Serviceability, No service in Village or remote areas or areas not near City or areas where there is

no proper or concrete/pucca roads to access the breakdown location of customer.

Also, Service availability or Service operation timings are affected as per Government guidelines

for lockdown or Night curfew. Service is not provided in containment/red zone.


Redemption Process

  1. To purchase the RSA package, please call: 8595233042.
  2. You can also write to Bubunu at rsa@bubunu.in  with your vehicle details and your contact number and a representative from Bubunu will call you back.

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