
256.00 0.00

Extra 10% & 25% credits



Mr. E by EasyLeadz is the easiest way to find B2B contact numbers with just one click. Enrich any business profile with direct mobile numbers i.e direct dials.

EasyLeads hit rate and the numbers accuracy is probably the best in the industry. Actions speak louder than words, try it out for free.

Who can use this extension? Anyone who is looking for efficient and faster ways to reach out to other professionals over phone calls can use this extension to instantly find contact numbers in a click.

  1. Sales professional, recruiters, head-hunters, account managers, marketers, business developers, and people with direct client relationships.
  2. Professionals looking to increase their productivity and efficiency
  3. Teams, project managers, coordinators, and internal communications

Offer Details

Extra 10% credits on monthly plans and Extra 25% credits on annual plans of Mr. E by EasyLeadz platform.

Terms & Conditions

  1. Only new customers are eligible for the bonus credits.
  2. A customer can get the credits as long as they stay paid customers, if they cancel their paid plans, they will not be eligible for bonus credits.

Redemption Process

  1. Please visit – https://tinyurl.com/j7c74a3z?rcode=0WiFpLO29G .
  2. And process the registration to avail the offer

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