Legal Wiz

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15% discount on professional fees on all the services


Description is an online platform providing business professional services to all kinds of business, especially startups and SMEs. Its aim is to make procurement of legal, CA, CS, and other Business professional services available to startup at pocket-friendly prices. has quickly become a popular and trusted solution provider brand that keeps business compliant. With its robust technology and a highly skilled team, LegalWiz is here to help you stay compliant and focus on growing your business!

Offer Details

15% discount on professional fees on all the services

Terms and Conditions

  1. Each coupon code can be used only once.
  2. Each coupon is identified by a code and has different rewards.
  3. Each coupon is valid for a limited time only and expires on the date specified in the email sent to the claimant by LegalWiz.
  4. If the customer wishes to take any other services apart from what is listed on BizPrime platform (“Qualified Services”), then the other services shall be charged on the same cost which is applicable to all LW clients.
  5. The rewards cannot be exchanged with monetary value at any point in time.
  6. Once the reward is claimed, the same cannot be reciprocated. The customer cannot ask for cancellation or refund from
  7. The coupon shall be valid from the date customer has applied and has to be used within one month time of such application.

Redemption Process

  1. Go to the link –
  2. And apply the code
  3. A relationship manager will be assigned to you who will take you through the next steps

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